Batch Cooking – October 22, 2023

2023-10-21 Groceries annotated2023-10-22 Cooked annotated

It’s been a solid two months since I did a proper batch cooking, and I’m almost embarrassed to post this one since it’s so much smaller than my others. But I did batch cooking, and I have food. It’s ironic, because I actually have enough food in the fridge (leftovers from meals out and my Beurre et Baguette order on Thursday) that I’m not going to get to any of this meal-prepped stuff until probably Wednesday, but at least I now have food to last until the end of the week. I am shocked at the food prices (this wasn’t even that big an order, damnit!), but that’s inflation for you. On the up-side, this was a very low-key batch cooking week – while it took nearly two hours, a lot of that time was hands-off and I was even able to read a few chapters of a book while the soup was in the instant pot and the “autumn medley” was in the oven. So that’s good, at least.

Anyway, my plan for this week (after I get through the leftovers) is:

  • Lunches: “autumn medley” roast veggies and mashed potatoes
  • Suppers: lentil soup with challah roll
  • Snacks: vegan “chopped liver” with tortilla chips and baby carrots

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